The Right Way To Play Unusual Options Activity

The Right Way To Play Unusual Options Activity

Option trading volume has been hitting record levels driven by new, highly engaged retail traders playing the meme names. Top companies such as Gamestop (GME) and AMC (AMC) have seen over 2 million options contracts in a single day —...
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Three Rules For Boosting Your Trading Profits Today

Three Rules For Boosting Your Trading Profits Today

As an active trader, I’m amazed more people don’t trade options. Options not only allow you to lower your risk but also allow you the opportunity to mimic a stock portfolio, but with a lot less money. Now, who wouldn’t...
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How To Harness The Power Of Time Decay When Trading Options

How To Harness The Power Of Time Decay When Trading Options

While the market seems to grind higher every day, it can still be buffeted by coronavirus-spread headlines, the pace of economic recovery, and fiscal policy stale. This has made trading a bit herky-jerky, especially in options where the value’s impacted...
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Turn Any Stock Into A Source Of Steady Income

Turn Any Stock Into A Source Of Steady Income

My email inbox regularly fills with questions about how to reach a certain level of monthly retirement income. The notes typically come from retired or nearly-retired individuals who realize their retirement savings at the financial advisor-recommended 4% annu...
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